Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Talking Shit

The blog is pretty straight forward, isn't it?

Well, over the past week, I've had the unfortunate encounter with someone close to me apparently ripping me a new one whenever I wasn't around her. It's interesting because the times she has talked shit to my face, I corrected her on the spot and I didn't care who was around. So I guess with the comfort of me not being around her, she feels a bit more at ease to rip me a new one whenever.


Of course, I found out and needless to say I'm on a self-imposed hiatus from that person. I feel there's no need to feed the fire or the animals if I don't give her anything to talk about. But this blog isn't about my pity party. It's about talking shit in general.

How often do we look at a celebrity and wonder what the hell they were thinking when they did X action? How often is Brangelina on numerous magazine covers? Britney Spears? Hell, even President and First Lady Obama are making waves and they're probably the most private of them all.

Now I've been guilty of talking shit myself so I'm not excusing my behavior or excluding me. But after having it happen to me by someone I consider to be very close, it made me wonder: What do we really gain out of it? We're not saying it to that person's face because that's too honest and bold. Instead, we're cowardly, going behind the person's back and hoping they won't hear or ever get word of it.

But what happens if they do hear it? What happens if they found out? Or worse yet, read it? Then what?

Magazines have been sued and will continue to be sued. Blogs and websites have been shut down and will continue to be shut down. Friendships have been broken. Families were torn apart. Sometimes, it's best to come out in the open to say it and be done with it, then be sneaky. Feelings might be hurt at first, but it saves anger and resentment in the long run.

The point is: talking shit benefits no one, especially the person doing the shit talking. If you're not honest with the person you're talking shit about, you probably shouldn't be associated with that person.

For me, this was an unfortunate but much needed lesson on trust and friendship. Sometimes the person you think has your back, doesn't. Sometimes the person you thought you can tell your secrets, is a bit of a blabbermouth. need to go on vacation from your friends.

Sticks and stones may break your bones...but words can also destroy a relationship.

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