Thursday, February 5, 2009

Everyone Has a Price---Sneak Peek

Her baby was coming home.

When Aiden was born, Victoria knew there was something special about him. She couldn’t quite figure it out, though. All of her children were intelligent, yes. All of her children had the one thing that made them different from each other, no doubt about that. But there was something unique about Aiden that made him stand out from Leilani and Zavier.

Leilani was the Cathedral Springs princess and was proud of the fact. Zavier was being groomed to take over Batista-Levesque Estates and the next Stamina King. Christopher…well, Christopher hadn’t quite figured out what he was going to do with his life.

But Aiden? He knew from a young age what he wanted to be. A fashion designer. He knew what styles worked best on everyone and went as far as coordinating his mother’s outfits for several functions. Aiden had a natural eye for design and would often put together couture looks for everyone in his family.

It was only a matter of time before rumors of his sexuality began to follow Aiden. He never denied the fact he was gay but he never quite admitted it either. To Aiden, it was a non-issue. His sexuality had no bearing on his designs. Either one liked his designs or they didn’t. The fact he sucked cock had nothing to do with it.

When Victoria realized the genius her son was becoming, she knew Cathedral Springs was too small for Aiden. He needed bigger—much bigger. Paris was the only natural choice. However, getting Aiden there wasn’t a piece of cake. While Dave was very wealthy, he also counted his pennies. He couldn’t understand why Aiden couldn’t go to New York and enroll in a fashion school there. But Victoria insisted, boasting of their son’s magnificent talent and how he could benefit by going overseas. She spoke to Dave every day until he finally relented and forked over the $200K bill for their son.

Plus, a few blow jobs didn’t hurt Victoria’s cause. Talking could only do so much before she had to get out the kneepads.

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