Monday, February 23, 2009

Lord, I'm up late...

And I shouldn't be. I have a very busy day ahead of me tomorrow and I'm playing around on the internet like it's nothing.

I wonder how lazy people do this all the time. Geez louise...

Over the last few days, I've been incognito. I've had my reasons that are still personal but I will reveal them at a later date. Nothing bad. Still engaged and intoxicatingly happy. But when other things happen in your life, you need to stop and evaluate what's important and what you can do without.

Simply put, I grew up.

Within the very near future, I'm going to become a wife. Shortly after that, I'll be someone's mommy. Knowing that, I had to take a good look at some of things I've done past and present. Now I don't regret anything I've done in my past because I feel everything happens for a reason. But there are a few things I care not to repeat.

When someone tests you, it's how you react that makes the difference. You can blow up and cause a scene or you can walk away. Very quickly, you need to wonder if the short-term gratification is worth the long-term effects. Most of the time, it's not. Recently, I had to walk away from a situation with someone who was "gunning" for me since Day One, unknown to me. It's not something I'm proud of and I'm definitely not gloating.

But it did make me take a nice and long look at my maturity. The old me would've told the person off and probably would've said some pretty evil things. But Ms. Thang in 2009 doesn't have time for that. I don't want someone's bad karma affect what I'm trying to do and accomplish. Those who slander and trespass against me ended up getting theirs in one way or another later.

The point of this blog is sometimes, you just need to walk away no matter how hard it is. The drama just isn't worth it. Drama is meant to watch on TV, not participate in real life.

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