Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Why am I still at work?

So as you can tell, I write. Not for a living but soon. In the meantime, I have a day job that pays my bills and gets me to afford a few little luxuries. But as I head into hour number 2 of overtime, I wonder...why am I still at work?

Now don't get me wrong, I like networking. I've learned a lot of tips from previous employers and colleagues...tips that I still employ today in life, finances, and the like. But when you're in a meeting and the only thing that's running through your head is how you can put two characters together in a certain scene, well, obviously...working a 9 to 5 isn't what I aspire.

Two years ago, something dramatic happened in my life that kick-started my writing 'career' so to speak. It made me realize that there was more out there than just playing around and having fun...but being serious and actually explore my passion.

When I was unemployed recently, the same tidbit happened. I had a renewed passion for writing. I had a temporary job that took me outdoors and I realized, maybe being stuck at a job where there's no excitement, no passion, no pizzazz isn't for me. Maybe I need that challenge. That kick in my ass. That slap.

My fiancee is always helping me nurture my writing talent, constantly passing along information that'll help me. And I always think, 'Well, I'll get to it when I have time,' 'I'll look at it later.'

If not now, then when? Sometimes opportunities only come once...

That being said...I'm going to pursue my writing with more fervor than before. More contests. More courses. More book reading. But most important of all, more passion.

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