Monday, March 23, 2009

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun?

So I have a friend...who's...let's just say, a tad bit boy crazy. She's nearing 30 and is feeling very maternal...clock is starting to tick, she's feeling pressure from her family to settle down and get married.

Now without completely telling her business, there have been a few mishaps along the way: broken engagements, poor men choices, poor life choices, etc. But the feeling of wanting to be with one person and settling down has never wavered.

This is where it gets tricky.

Earlier today, we chatted about life and love. She then asked me a hypothetical question. When someone answers their phone, she responds with, 'Hey you!'--a pretty cheerful greeting to all. Apparently, the new Dick (and I mean that in every sense) doesn't like that and asked her to change her greeting when she's calling him.


Now, my friend (let's just call her Becky) and her Dick have been seeing each other on and off for about a year. I personally don't like Dick for the simple reason he's done some pretty shady things to Becky, who by the way, knows everything and for some reason bypasses all of it.

So when Becky told me about his request, my first reaction was laughter. Was this Dick serious? They're not "together" (in her words, they're just having fun...which makes me wonder, if he was the one who's having the fun and she's going along with it...)

In my honest opinion, they're nothing more than just glorified fuck buddies. But this fool wants her to greet him differently? And what's worse is that Becky seriously considered it. Now she's not greeting him with curse words or Bible-thumping him. Instead, she's greeting him the same way she greets everyone else.

And Dick has a problem with that? Won't call her his girlfriend; doesn't mind her getting him off; but has a problem with being treated like everyone else? What in the logic hell?

It brings me to a discussion: At what point as women, are we so desperate for male companionship that any bullshit treatment will suffice?

Now I was once a Becky. I've done a lot of things that I can look back and ask, 'What the fuck was I thinking??' On the same tip, I'm glad I learned because if it wasn't for me going through it when I was younger, I'll still be making the same mistakes as I'm now older.

That being said, a woman should only change for herself. If a guy is complaining about some random bullshit on how you're answering the phone when he calls, you might want to ask if he's worth eating the cookie.

Personally, I wouldn't want to date someone who nitpicks on some randomness. A guy should like you for who you are. It shouldn't turn off just because you're not sucking his dick at the moment.

Joke for the Day *thanks, Honey!*

A young couple in the park, their second or third date, they are all rosy and in love.. they are walking hand in hand and catch up to this very very old couple, who is walking hand in hand too, seems all deeply in love as well.. young couple stare at them with astonishment and they become the topic of their conversation.

As they reach the restrooms - the old lady goes in, with the elderly gentleman waiting patiently. Young girl wants to *go* too, so her boyfriend is waiting as well. After a minute he approaches the old guy and politely asks: "Sir, i couldn't help but watch you and your wife and I couldn't help but marvel at the amount of love and care between you! I know that relationships are hard, and i just wanted to ask - what is the secret to yours? how where you able to stay together for so long and have such a strong feelings towards each other?"

Old man stares at the kid, glances around and says slowly and thoughtfully - "I've got one word for you, son.... Cheat!"
So I think I'm addicted to Twitter. I've been on it just about all damn night. It's so interesting because I can connect (using that term very loosely) with celebs and often get late-breaking updates from CNN (and Ryan Seacrest, believe it or not) within seconds.

Feckin' awesome.

Nothing else to blog about right now. Just that.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Parents Just Don't Understand....

Trying to relax and have a quiet moment is not easy. Especially when someone else's method of getting your attention is by yelling. And not even angry yelling. Just flat out yelling.

You see, I'm temporarily (and I mean that in every sense) staying with my parents until my house is finished. Now I haven't stayed with my parents since I left for college about 12 years ago. So you can only imagine how it feels going to having your own schedule, doing your own thing to all of a sudden, you have two people who still think you're their 5 year old running around in pigtails.


So whenever I'm alone, I can't be. If I'm on the phone, I'm getting another conversation at me. It's like, 'Duuuuuuuuuuuuude.'

My only saving grace is my sanity but it's not much. Now don't get me wrong: I love my parents to death and they're doing me a huge favor. But it's like, guys...chill....

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Family II Character Diary--Jeff

Edge is a fucking moron. There ain’t no nice way of saying it. That boy is clearly fucked up.

He’s been stuck on this trip to get even with Batista since who knows how long and who really gives a fuck but Edge. If Batista does something, Edge has to one up him. If Batista turns right, Edge has to turn left. It’s like the dude likes the fact he’s an asshole.

Now in all fairness, I can see why Edge is a little pissy. It was an open secret that Batista was the Queen Mother’s favorite. She paid a bit more attention to him than Edge did. Edge claimed it was because Batista was dumber than a retarded kid trying to figure out Calculus. I think it was just simply Stephanie liked Batista more.

But that always stuck with Edge. In some sick way, the bastard felt he had to get even with Batista. Murdering Kimberly was just a stepping stone. Trish was the next target. But when that failed, Edge became desperate. Have you ever seen a desperate vampire? It’s pretty fucking pathetic.

So he set his sights on Nevaeh. The moment she was in Trish’s stomach is when Edge went from a crazy asshole to a certifiable insane motherfucker. This asshole watched Nevaeh’s every waking moment from her first steps to her first bra fitting. This motherfucker even has the first time Nevaeh gave it up on his permanent memory.

After pursuing her for, let’s see, 18 fucking years, Edge finally got what he wanted. That fool is so hell bent on revenge, he’s failing to realize exactly who he’s fucking with. He’s fucking with the heiress of the Queen Mother. You know what that means? That means if Edge fucks up even slightly, Stephanie will be all over his ass like a shitty diaper on a newborn. He wouldn’t have to worry about Batista and Trish.

Do I think Edge knows what he’s doing? Fuck no. But do I think Nevaeh knows what she’s doing? Oh hell yes.

Check out the new logo!

My wonderful fiancee and best friend made this for me! I knew I got a good one!

Blow by Blow Sneak Peek

Men always say that women are Drama Queens. Apparently, they never met anyone like Double-K.

Montel uses R&B to soothe me; Glen is big fan of the classical genre. But Double-K? Oh no. He’s too slick for any of that. You know what he’s playing? This fool is driving the Bentley through Downtown LA while blasting James Brown’s “The Payback.” He’s leaning back in his seat while nodding his head, occasionally hollering back at James like if he can understand.

I have to admit, it does tickle me pink.

Glancing over to my left, I see Ms. I’m-Going-To-Show-Up-At-Your-Job-And-Embarrass-The-Hell-Out-Of-You-Because-You-Fucked-My-Ex-Fiancee isn’t saying a damn word. She’s either nervous as all fuck or she’s quite comfortable in the element. I’m going to go with the latter just by how’s she conducting herself. She’s staring out the window probably wondering what the fuck she just got herself into. She’s probably waiting for me to talk her out of it and be all sympathetic Maria.


But at least Sam looks nice. She’s wearing this super-slinky tight red dress with matching Louboutins. Her hair is pulled back in a tight bun and her makeup is flawless. Looking at her, I almost feel guilty about Randy. I said almost. I am a hooker, after all.

I reach in front of me and pour a glass of Cristal for her. “Champagne?” I offer.

“No, thank you,” she quietly replies.

I want to tell Sam drinking a glass of champagne will calm her nerves down and get rid of any thoughts of sucking nasty dick. But I’m not going to push it. I’m still not sure what she’s doing, though.

“Hey, hey, heeeeeeeey!” Double-K grunts with the music. “Damn, I love James Brown! He’s singing about getting payback on someone who stole his girl, ya know, his lover,” he glances at Sam through the rearview window, “I’m sure you can relate, Sam.”

It’s really hard not to laugh right now.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Life After Death...

Now I don't talk about death on my blog for a reason...who in the hell wants to talk and read about death??

But today I have to talk about death. Over the weekend, I visited the cemetery where several relatives are buried. I paid my respects, spoke to them and hoped to see them in the other side.

Well today, my mother brings up a siblings have their funeral and death arrangements made, but I'm the only one who hasn't. Now for the longest time, I wanted to be buried. But now, I'm not so sure.

Do I really want an elaborate funeral? Do I just want to be created simply and no fuss? I'm not sure. It's not every day you're thinking about death at a young age. But I'm getting married soon...and it's like, what do I really want?

I don't know...some food for thought....

Simple Pleasures

You know, I would complain about my situation but it's not that bad. Don't get me wrong. I'm not a fan of moving back to a place I desperately tried to get the hell out of. But all in all, it's not that bad.

Right now, it's a crisp 95 degrees. Not a cloud in the sky. It's actually hot to the point where you feel it on your skin. But it's a delicious heat.

Like I've said...I can't complain.

So I'm getting back into a routine which I was familiar with: writing and working out. I haven't done much of either lately. It's amazing how the simplest of pleasures is what brings me the most joy. Over the past several months, my fiancee and I were struggling with money--partially because we were ballin' like mofos, you know what I'm sayin'.

And then it dawned on both of us one night: we have a lot of fun when there's hardly any money involved.

One of my favorite memories is when we had a picnic in my bedroom. It was us, candlelight, a fruit and cheese plate, and our thoughts. It was such an emotional night and something I would never truly forget. And you want to know how much that cost? Probably $15 tops.

That brings me back to the simple pleasures...sometimes doing something you truly love and find pleasure out of doesn't have to cost one penny.

Writing updates soon....

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I need a reality check

Well, I need a check, period. Any amount will do. I'm not very picky. Money is money no matter how it's given and earned.

So I'm in a rare moment of solitude. I'm at my house. Yes, my house. Not a room, not an apartment, but an actual house. Now, the house is still being worked on but that's beside the point.

I'm a place where I can go and be in complete solitude. Just me. No roommates, no pets, nothing. Just me with my sexy self.

It's divine. Absolutely divine. This is what heaven feels like.