Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Family II Character Diary--Jeff

Edge is a fucking moron. There ain’t no nice way of saying it. That boy is clearly fucked up.

He’s been stuck on this trip to get even with Batista since who knows how long and who really gives a fuck but Edge. If Batista does something, Edge has to one up him. If Batista turns right, Edge has to turn left. It’s like the dude likes the fact he’s an asshole.

Now in all fairness, I can see why Edge is a little pissy. It was an open secret that Batista was the Queen Mother’s favorite. She paid a bit more attention to him than Edge did. Edge claimed it was because Batista was dumber than a retarded kid trying to figure out Calculus. I think it was just simply Stephanie liked Batista more.

But that always stuck with Edge. In some sick way, the bastard felt he had to get even with Batista. Murdering Kimberly was just a stepping stone. Trish was the next target. But when that failed, Edge became desperate. Have you ever seen a desperate vampire? It’s pretty fucking pathetic.

So he set his sights on Nevaeh. The moment she was in Trish’s stomach is when Edge went from a crazy asshole to a certifiable insane motherfucker. This asshole watched Nevaeh’s every waking moment from her first steps to her first bra fitting. This motherfucker even has the first time Nevaeh gave it up on his permanent memory.

After pursuing her for, let’s see, 18 fucking years, Edge finally got what he wanted. That fool is so hell bent on revenge, he’s failing to realize exactly who he’s fucking with. He’s fucking with the heiress of the Queen Mother. You know what that means? That means if Edge fucks up even slightly, Stephanie will be all over his ass like a shitty diaper on a newborn. He wouldn’t have to worry about Batista and Trish.

Do I think Edge knows what he’s doing? Fuck no. But do I think Nevaeh knows what she’s doing? Oh hell yes.

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