Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Blow by Blow Sneak Peek

Men always say that women are Drama Queens. Apparently, they never met anyone like Double-K.

Montel uses R&B to soothe me; Glen is big fan of the classical genre. But Double-K? Oh no. He’s too slick for any of that. You know what he’s playing? This fool is driving the Bentley through Downtown LA while blasting James Brown’s “The Payback.” He’s leaning back in his seat while nodding his head, occasionally hollering back at James like if he can understand.

I have to admit, it does tickle me pink.

Glancing over to my left, I see Ms. I’m-Going-To-Show-Up-At-Your-Job-And-Embarrass-The-Hell-Out-Of-You-Because-You-Fucked-My-Ex-Fiancee isn’t saying a damn word. She’s either nervous as all fuck or she’s quite comfortable in the element. I’m going to go with the latter just by how’s she conducting herself. She’s staring out the window probably wondering what the fuck she just got herself into. She’s probably waiting for me to talk her out of it and be all sympathetic Maria.


But at least Sam looks nice. She’s wearing this super-slinky tight red dress with matching Louboutins. Her hair is pulled back in a tight bun and her makeup is flawless. Looking at her, I almost feel guilty about Randy. I said almost. I am a hooker, after all.

I reach in front of me and pour a glass of Cristal for her. “Champagne?” I offer.

“No, thank you,” she quietly replies.

I want to tell Sam drinking a glass of champagne will calm her nerves down and get rid of any thoughts of sucking nasty dick. But I’m not going to push it. I’m still not sure what she’s doing, though.

“Hey, hey, heeeeeeeey!” Double-K grunts with the music. “Damn, I love James Brown! He’s singing about getting payback on someone who stole his girl, ya know, his lover,” he glances at Sam through the rearview window, “I’m sure you can relate, Sam.”

It’s really hard not to laugh right now.

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