Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Power Player---Full Chapter

“Good morning.”

“Good morning.”

“How did you sleep?”

Rae chuckled. “What sleep?”

Dave smiled. His ex was right. They only briefly rested between lovemaking sessions, eventually falling asleep around 4 AM. They both could blame they were equally horny for each other, but both knew the other would be full of shit. They missed each other—passionately and deeply. Every thrust was a reminder. Every orgasm was breathtaking memory.

But that was last night and this morning. They weren’t having sex now. They were wide awake and wrapped in each other’s embrace, contemplating what the next step was. Were they a couple? Were they just fuck buddies? Was last night a mistake? Was last night the beginning of where they left off?

So many questions and neither one were sure how to approach the other. Instead, Rae and Dave did what they knew was best in their minds---avoided the subject.

“Breakfast?” Dave suggested.

“I’m starving!”


There was a thing called buyer’s remorse. It occurs when someone makes a purchase and realizes they probably shouldn’t have. Normally, one keeps the purchase after they realize how necessary it is in the long run.

Randy had remorse, alright. For him, however, it was Tequila remorse.

His memory was still a bit hazy but he started to remember bits and pieces of the night before. He remembered he kept drinking because it would’ve made being around Mickie more tolerable. They probably went through two bottles of champagne. That wasn’t counting the various cocktails and beer the pair had to start. Thus, it was only a matter of time before the two ended up in a compromising position on a hotel room floor. And then on the bathroom counter. And then on the hotel room balcony. Somehow, they ended up on the bed.

But it wasn’t lovemaking. It was hard-core raw fucking. No strings attached. No love lost or given. Randy and Mickie fucked each other with the same passionate hatred they had for one another. It was beautiful and disgusting at the same time.

As Randy wiped his face, he began to remember little by little what did take place the night before. They went to a bar. Mickie dared him to a Tequila contest. That motherfucking bitch! Randy accepted the challenge only if Mickie would show him her snatch. In your fucking wet limp dick dreams, asshole! She retorted. Randy told her he wasn’t going to do anything unless Mickie gave him a reason. She relented and showed him her tits. Randy found himself being quite impressed and cheered to her.

And it quickly went downhill from there.

Several Tequila shots later, Mickie and Randy were bumping and grinding to a cover band’s version of “Miss You” by the Rolling Stones. I fucking hate that song now, Randy snickered. Sometime during the bump and grind, the two locked lips and the grinding quickly became more sexual.

I want to fuck you…right here…right now.

Fuck, what are you waiting for?

Randy closed his eyes in disgust as he remembered the conversation exchange. How could he be so fucking stupid? He has let his dick take control and do some strange things in the past but this surely was one of the stupidest. He fucked another Diva. No, it wasn’t even that. He fucked the Diva he hated. Worse yet, Mickie had just as much clout as Randy did so threatening to get her fired would only generate a loud, boorish laugh and a “Fuck you” from her.

Fuck. And she’s still here?


Wheaties was known as the Breakfast of Champions. Dave’s famous bacon and eggs was known as the Breakfast of Uncomfortable Bullshit Chatter.

As the lovers sat across from each other, they talked about everything except what and who went down the night before. The discussion needed to take place. The discussion had to take place. But neither one was drinking the Courage Juice masquerading as orange juice. Instead, denial and avoidance was served alongside the hash browns.

“So what’s on your agenda today?” Rae asked.

“Um, not much,” Dave shrugged, “I think I’ll probably hit the gym a couple times and then take one of the dogs out for a walk. You?”

“Um, I’ll just catch up with some reading and what-not,” she nervously laughed, not sure why she laughed at all.

Dave knew his ex all too well. If there was something on her mind, he was better off attempting his best Psychic Friends Network impersonations to read it than for Rae to give him an inkling on what she wanted. Making love once may have been classified as a mistake. But 5 times was no mistake. They both weren’t that horny.



“Move in with me.”




Breakfast wasn’t so bad after all.


Mickie has done a lot of stupid-ass things in her lifetime. The time she wrestled while she on her period and wearing a white outfit was pretty stupid. The times she listened to Vince McMahon and thought he gave her sound advice was pretty stupid.

But fucking Randy Orton? Oh, that was above and beyond stupid. That was just fucking retarded. She might as well been licking windows and wearing a helmet at that point.

Unfortunately for Mickie, she remembered every single uncomfortable detail of the prior night. All she wanted to do was get Randy so sloshed, she could take some incriminating photos of him for future blackmail use. Oh, the camera was in play last night. And she was one of the starring players in a feature-film titled, ‘Mickie Does Randy and Swallows.’

Now the asshole was in bed with her. Why he couldn’t be like her previous one-nighters and leave before day break? Oh no. That was just too easy for Randy. Mickie was determined he was there to torture her just a bit longer. And well, the asshole is succeeding.

But if Randy was going to torture Mickie, she was going to hit him right back with something hard. She got up from her side of the bed and walked to the bathroom, stark naked in Randy’s view. She did her business and quickly showered. As she showered, Mickie thought of another way to torture Randy one last time. She was going to exit the shower absolutely soaking wet with just a smile. And then? Nothing. She wasn’t going to fuck him or even give him the repeat blow job performance of last night. She would leave.


Mickie finished her shower and gently patted the wet drops off her skin, still leaving her damp and slightly wet to the touch. Just as she opened the door to give Randy the blue balls of his life, he surprised her.

He was gone. And Mickie found herself sad and wondering where he went.

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