Tuesday, June 30, 2009

When is it about the marriage?

So I'm reading through several bridal blogs as of late, trying to get ideas here and there about our big day coming up next year. Now Max has let me have free reign of everything. He's a man, so I can't blame him. Soccer, beer, and books are his passions; not what shade of purple is going to look best at the reception.

So I'm trying to gather ideas and it dawns on me that several women are more concerned about the wedding than the marriage. A few even said that if it didn't work out, they could always get divorced.

What. The. Hell. Batman.

First of all, if you're planning your divorce, you shouldn't be planning your wedding. Second of all, a wedding is a small day in a lifetime of being together. I want a wedding, Max rather we go to Vegas and call it a night (which we might do anyways.) But the point is, neither one of us is stressed over the wedding. If it happens, great. If it doesn't, well, we have more money to do what we really like.

But neither one of us is so obsessed with the wedding that it controls or dictates our lives. (Of course, I say this now, more than a year away. I might be speaking a different tune when it gets closer to the wedding itself. )

I don't know...I see the big deals about weddings but I'm also like, 'Meh...it's just one day. What about the rest of your lives?'

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