Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Power Player---Full Chapter

“I am going to kick your motherfucking ass!” Randy shouted as he entered Rae’s trailer.

Rae smiled as she prepared for the night’s show. It had been several days since she set up the Blind Date from Hell between her best friends. Mickie was awfully silent and Randy, well, couldn’t wait to tell Rae off in person. It was only a matter of time before Rae learned of the deliciously wicked details in all glory. “Yes, lover?”

“Oh, fuck you, Rae. Fuck you!” Randy snickered. If he couldn’t blame it on the a-a-alcohol., he damn sure was going to blame his best friend for the actions his dick had done.

Rae had been impatiently waiting by her phone for any updates from Randy. He was a master of telling off people by using just a few words, usually all of them four-letter ones. He never said he had a big vocabulary. I guess his dick made up for it. “I take it was a good date?”

“No, it wasn’t a good date and I should fucking kick you in the twat for being such a bitch,” he insulted as Rae laughed, “no, this shit isn’t funny.”

“Randy, the date was on Wednesday. It’s now Monday night. You’re just now complaining to me? If the date was that bad, I would’ve heard about it on Thursday morning, which what do you know?” Rae took out her flip phone and screened through the call list. “Your number isn’t on here. Heh. How about that?”

Randy knew where Rae was going with her commentary. She had a point. But he couldn’t let her know that. “If you were a man, I’d fuck you up.”

“If you were a man,” she retorted, “you would tell me what really happened.”


“Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. Why?”

“Because your mouth is silent,” Maria commented, “and for you, that’s a first!”

Mickie James always had something to say and it usually wasn’t positive, either. She was known for her wisecracks and smart-ass remarks. Anyone and everyone was fair game. If she had a great date, everyone knew. If she had a bad date, everyone knew.

But her date with Randy? No one knew. And what occurred on that date was a heavily-guarded secret. If Randy was going to pretend he didn’t know Mickie, she damn sure was going to return the favor.

Even if she didn’t want to.

“You sure you’re okay?” Maria prodded. “You’re never this quiet.”

“Geez, can’t a bitch keep her thoughts to herself for once?” Mickie muttered in frustration.

“No, not you,” Trish shook her head.

Mickie turned her head towards Trish and gave her a death glance. “Real fuckin’ cute, Blondie.”

“I’m just saying,” Trish held up her hands, “you’re never this quiet.”

“Did Vince piss you off?” Victoria asked.


“Did Stephanie piss you off?” Torrie asked.


“Did one of the guys piss you off?” Michelle asked.

The million-dollar question. Randy didn’t piss Mickie off, per se, but he did make her feel like shit. She had a feeling the next morning was going to be awkward but she wasn’t expecting him to up and leave her like she was some floozy one-night stand. He didn’t even give the common respect of saying ‘Good-bye.’ Now that really upset Mickie. At least she gave her booty-calls a Post-It Note on the mirror. “No,” she answered curtly, “now, if you excuse me, I have to get ready for my match, and not this fake-ass interrogation from CSI: Whore Division.” She then left the locker room.

The Divas gathered around each other and just stared at the closed door. Something was up with Mickie. She was never that silent and private. Even when her goldfish died, she went on about it for days. When she broke a heel in her good pumps, she mourned them as if she lost a relative.

Something was definitely amiss with Ms. James. And The Divas were determined to find out what it was. Trish stepped out in front and folded her arms. “I wonder who was her mystery date last week?”


“Well? Are you going to tell me or do I have to beat it out of you?”

“You and how many of your friends?”

Rae devilishly grinned. Something happened alright the other night between Randy and Mickie. He wouldn’t have been that quiet about nothing. Rae had a feeling on what might have occurred but thinking and wondering didn’t help anyone but Cinderella. She needed proof. “I’m listening?”


“Is there something I should know about?”

“What? Nah..” Randy brushed off her question.

“You sure?” She prodded.

Randy looked around to make sure no one was within earshot of what he was about to reveal. The last thing he needed was more gossip. “You can’t say anything, Flower.”

Rae held up her crossed fingers. “Promise, Thumper.”

Randy swallowed his pride and carefully thought if revealing the incriminating details of the other night was worth it. He was better off pretending it never happened like he had been for the past week. They say the truth shall set one free, but Randy had no problem keeping it locked up in a cage.

Meanwhile, Rae was growing impatient. She knew what was going to tell her but nothing beat hearing it straight from the Whore’s mouth. “Fool, are you going to tell me because I don’t have…”

“I slept with Mickie,” he blurted.

A smirk grew on Rae’s face. It finally happened. Rae knew the hatred between Mickie and Randy was more of sexual frustration, not pure dislike, despite how much both would like to claim it was. Now the deed was done and both were acting like it never happened. Not surprising, Rae thought.

Still, she kept her smile on. It wasn’t the typical, “I told you so,” smirk but rather, ‘Oh, he finally admitted it?’ “When did this take place?”

“On our date,” he mumbled.

“I’m sorry what was that?”

“Woman, you heard me,” he sternly reminded.

Rae sweetly smiled. There was time to gloat later. “Well, was it good, at least?”

Was it good? Randy wanted to smile. It was fucking amazing. Mickie knew exactly what she was doing. Her tongue was both skillful and addicting. She can suck start a 747. Her core was tight and moist, encompassing his shaft with every thrust he gave her. She didn’t scream like his previous conquests but dared him to fuck her harder and faster.

Come on, give it to Mama, Daddy.

Ooh…is that for me? Let me have a taste.

Fuck, your dick is so big, baby. I’m gonna come all over it.

Randy felt an erection popping up just thinking about it.

“Randy? Hello?” Rae waved her fingers in his face. “Back to Earth, lover boy.”

Randy blinked several times to erase the memory of Mickie sprawled on her back. He couldn’t, though. It was forever tattooed on his mind and dick. “Yeah?”

“Now what?”


“Nothing? That’s it?”

“Well, what did you expect from me, Rae? Let’s be real now.” Randy stood up and adjusted his jeans, hoping his impending erection was calmed down. “Did you think I was going to wife that fat ass?”

“Well, no, but…”

“There’s no but to it. She was a fuck and that’s it. Nothing more, nothing less.” Randy defended his asshole actions, which surprisingly, made him uncomfortable. “I’ll chat with you later, Flower.” He then left her trailer.

Rae leaned back in her seat and chuckled silently. She had seen many sides of Randy Orton. The passionate and skillful lover. The heartbreaker. The egotistical asshole. The emotional man. But this side she had only seen once when they were dating.

Randy Orton was smitten. And he was having the damnest time trying to hide it.

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