Monday, January 19, 2009

Character Diary--The Family--Nevaeh

You know, I really have no idea what I’m doing. Real talk.

I always think of these crazy ideas and never had the audacity to act on them, you know? Well, now I acted on one but I’m still not sure what I’m doing. All I know is that I need to get even with that bastard, Edge. That’s all I know. Everything else, I’ll figure out later.

I’ve known about what Edge did to my parents for a while now. My grandma, Steffie (okay I’m not allowed to call her that, but you get my drift), told me when I was a little Naya. She knew my parents, as much as I love them, would never say a word to me so she filled me in all the details. She also told me the story about Kimberly, my dad’s old girlfriend who I was named after.

I knew who Edge was the moment I saw him. He’s so easy to point out. All you gotta do is find the evil and oh, look…there’s Edge.

Now, I’m not going to lie. He’s cute. Hell, he’s hot! But he’s wicked and corrupt. Somewhere along the line, something happened to Edge’s mind and he’s pretty much messed up for life. And I know the one thing he’s been wanting forever was to control the vampircal world. But in order for him to do that, he would have to get the one thing that means more to anyone.

Yours Truly.

The length my parents and the Family has gone to protect me is something out of the Secret Service. I was always protected and I never went anywhere without someone watching me. But as you know, parents can’t watch you all time now, so I plotted my escape and attack.

And sometimes I wonder if I made the right decision.

My parents are forgiving people. Their motto is, ‘Don’t start none, won’t be none.’ But I’m not so forgiving. The torture Edge and his little minions put my family through was more than enough. My parents may let it go and move on, but I won’t.

So here I am. I ruined my relationship and broke my parents’ hearts, but I need to do this for my family. For The Family. All I know is Edge has no idea what I’m capable of and I want to keep it that way.

I just hope my parents forgive me one day.

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