Monday, January 19, 2009

I think I'm in love...

...with writing, again.

I spent last night plotting and mapping out characters like I used to a few years ago. And I totally forgot how much fun it was to be holed up in my room, racking my brain and acting out scenes. Yeah, it's a little schizophrenic of me, but we all have a little crazy in us.

Last year I did a lot of talking and quite frankly, it was way too much talking. This year, my approach is different. A few weeks ago I swore I was going to give myself a life makeover--body, finances, appearance, etc. It was only fitting that my writing had the same makeover.

The difference is now I have two people who got my back. My wonderful fiancee', Max, and my good friend, Bernard. Bernard is the same position as me...he's trying to get his business off the ground as well. It's good to have someone who understands what you're going through and doesn't look at you like you're nuts. Max is just a blessing in disguise. I couldn't be happier asking for such a wonderful soul. He's truly my heart.

Alright, I think I embarrassed both guys a bit much now. But it feels so good to be so passionate and in love with your work.

It's a beautiful thing.

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