Thursday, January 15, 2009

Everyone Has a Price IV Full Chapter

In fairytales, there was always a happily ever after. It was always assumed the prince and the princess went off to have many children and live in a big palace for the rest of their lives.

Yeah, no one ever told the princess she’d be a housewife scrubbing that goddamn palace and wondering why in the fuck he needs all those rooms? Victoria quipped.

When Victoria was a little girl, she wanted a big family. With just her and three brothers, she always thought there weren’t enough brothers and sisters for everyone. Six, she thought. Six would be an even number. Three boys and three girls. They would all get along and she would have a happy family.

How young and naïve she was. Everyone said having multiple pregnancies would make the birthing process easier. They clearly didn’t know Victoria. It seemed with each pregnancy became more difficult. Just when she was used to something in another pregnancy, it was thrown out the window with the next one. Cravings were different. Moods were topsy-turvy. It was always too hot. It was never cold enough.

But the pain Victoria was experiencing was above and beyond than her previous two. She honestly thought she was going to die. She dilated quicker than expected and before she knew it, the handy epidural she depended on from her last two pregnancies was no longer an option. The pain came again as soon as it subsided. There weren’t enough ice chips in the world to take the edge off of being stabbed in her uterus every two minutes.

Worse yet, Dave was nowhere to be found. He met Victoria at the hospital but quietly disappeared after hour three. He said he needed some air. Victoria called bullshit. She knew that asshole husband of hers wanted to be far and away from her as possible. She got real ugly and wasn’t holding back anything. He went from being a loving and wonderful hubby to a Class-A dickwad in just under 4 seconds. And that was only in the first hour.

Bracing herself for yet another contraction, Victoria clinched her eyes tight and tried her best not to push despite the aching feeling of wanting to. Only dilated 8 centimeters, she still had a long goal from the glorious number of 10.

That’s it. No more goddamn kids.

“In just a little while, you’re going to be a big sister.” Dave smiled.

Leilani Batista held tightly to her Dora the Explorer doll. She had a puzzled look on her cherub face. She was pretty accustomed to being the youngest one. If Zavier was being mean to her, it was certain he was going to get a spanking if she told on him. If she cried, Daddy took her out for ice cream. If she threw a tantrum, she got a spanking from Mommy.

But if she ratted out her parents, she got money from Grandma.

For months, Dave and Victoria went through great lengths to explain to their daughter what was happening. From videos and pop-out books, the pair thought their daughter understood why her mommy’s tummy was getting bigger. But the precocious child didn’t pay any attention to what was taught her. Whenever she saw Victoria, she merely asked why she was getting fat.

Standing in front of her father in the hospital waiting room, Leilani was confused. Her eyes squinted and forehead furrowed. If a new baby was coming, what was going to happen to her and her brother? Most importantly, where was her “other” brother, Christopher, going to go?

“Where is Zavier going to go?” She asked in her small child voice.

Dave was confused. “What do you mean, Carus?”

“Where is Zavier going to go?” She repeated in her small voice, “where are we going to put Zavier?”

Dave shook his head. Leilani thought someone had to leave the house to make room for the newest addition. He couldn’t help but to smile at her innocence. “Zavier isn’t going anywhere, Carus.”

“Oh,” she looked down at the ground, hoping to get an answer. She then looked back up at her father, “so where am I going to go?”

“You’re not going anywhere, either, baby.”

“And Christopher?” Leilani clutched her doll, “where’s Christopher going to go?”

Back home to his damn parents. Christopher spent so much time at the Batista home, he shared a room with Zavier. As much as Dave wanted a house full of children—mainly his—he knew that was equivalent to a prostitute becoming a minister.“Christopher isn’t going anywhere, Carus,” Dave reassured.

“Oh,” the young girl scrunched her nose again, “can I go play with Uncle Jamal now?”

“Yes, go play now, baby,” he answered.

“Dave,” Chris beckoned him, “Tori needs you.”

Dave immediately rushed inside Victoria’s delivery room where his wife was a calming force of strength. She was at peace and breathing heavily as she collected her thoughts. Her legs were on the stirrups, her face was relaxed as she inhaled and exhaled slowly. It was moments like that made Dave move in love with his wife than before.

“Alrighty,” Chris said as he sat down before Victoria, “are we ready to get this show on the road?”

“Take…it…out.” Victoria smiled.

“I’m assuming that’s a yes,” Chris smiled, “Tori, you know the drill—push only when I tell you to. Dave, just keep her away from any sharp objects, alright?”

Victoria looked over at Dave. Being in labor reminded her how much she hated her husband at the moment. “No…. more…damn…kids…” Victoria breathed.

“I concur,” he agreed.

Victoria pulled Dave’s collar next to her face. “I mean it, goddamnit. If you don’t get snipped within the next few hours, Lorena Bobbitt won’t have anything on Victoria Batista.”

“I know a urologist that’ll assist you, man,” Chris chimed in.


“Should I expect any apology from you?”

“I’m sorry I called you a dickwad, an asshole, and a ball-less motherfucker,” Victoria admitted, “and I’m sorry for everything I said about Lorraine. She’s a good woman.”

Paul led the children ushered into Victoria’s hospital room, anxious to meet the newest arrival to the Batista family. Zavier was a splitting image of his father. Leilani was a mini-Victoria. But the features made Aiden David a definite Batista. He had a full head of soft black hair like his father. A smooth, mocha almond color like his mother. He resembled a little Buddha statue—peaceful and quiet. Weighing in at just over 7 pounds, Aiden completed the Batista household. Leilani was officially the princess. Zavier and Christopher had another playmate. Dave had another son to mold after him and Paul.

And Victoria was tired and hungry. She couldn’t decide if her draining sleep or panging hunger pains should be satisfied at the moment. She’ll celebrate her son’s birth later.

Zavier walked up to his father who was holding his little brother. He wanted to be impressed but wasn’t. It meant he had to share his toys with another child. His bargaining skills would definitely be put to use. “He looks like a chipmunk with those cheeks,” He said quietly.

“Wow!” Christopher exclaimed. “That came out of Aunt Tori? Holy crap!”

Paul lifted up Leilani so she could take a closer look at her younger brother. “He looks like a Glo-worm,” she studied his features, “does he turn on?”

All would be well for the Batista household for the next several years…that is, until the children became teenagers. One would become heir to the Batista-Levesque Estates. One would discover a hidden talent. One would become gay, eventually disappointing the father who will soon overcome his feelings.

And one will experience a life-altering event that will shake the very core of Victoria, Trish, Paul, and especially Dave. Nothing would ever be the same.

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