Monday, January 19, 2009

The Power Player

Over the holidays, Rae made peace with Dave’s daughters. She personally apologized to them for causing hurt and everything was back to normal. Well, back to normal as it could be. The girls were often at Rae’s home for movie night and often filled her in the escapades their father was going through. Cianna, Elani and Kaira tried to play matchmaker but Rae remained single. She had enough drama in her life.

On her lone day off, Rae decided to take a stroll in the park. Reminiscing on her life and how it turned out, Rae took time to feed the ducks. She listened to the squawking, occasionally breaking out into a smile. The broken relationship with Dave was a nagging feeling in her gut, but Rae was overall happy. Things are pretty damn good right now.

“Good afternoon, Beautiful,” Dave said as he stood beside her.

Rae was too concentrated on feeding the ducks to notice Dave walk up beside her. She smiled at him and continued to feed the ducks. “Beautiful day,” she commented.

“It is,” he replied.

The one thing Rae hated more than anything was the feeling Dave created in the pit of her stomach. He could merely stand beside her and all she thought about was how many positions he could twist her body in. It was torturous, overwhelming, delicious, intoxicating, and beautiful at the same time.

She hated him for it. She was in love with him because of it.

But that was during another time and place in her life. Since their breakup, things have turned for the worse but were slowly creeping on getting better. Dave and Rae maintained a cordial and professional relationship, while Dave continued to date others. Rae, meanwhile, was focused on getting Randy a date of his own.

“So what’s going on, Rae?” Dave asked, hoping to break any awkward feeling between the two. “What’s been happening in the life of Rae?”

“Nothing much, same ol’ stuff. Kinda like the saying, ‘same shit, different day.’” she smiled, “what about you? How is the world of David Bautista?”

“The world of David Bautista is chaotic,” he grinned, “I’m sure you know that Tracy is getting remarried so I have nothing but wedding planning going on in my house with the girls being over. Absolutely no peace and quiet in my house. But I wouldn’t want any other way.”

Dave glanced over to his ex. With her hair pulled tightly in a ponytail and her light make up sun kissing her face, Dave admired how beautiful Rae looked. While his current girlfriend had to spend what felt like hours on her hair and makeup, Rae was content on just having some lip gloss, mascara and blush. “You look amazing.” He admired.

Rae smiled and blushed slightly. “Thank you.”

Rae turned her attention to a nearby playground. She watched various children playing in the park and seeing the small fights erupt over swings, sandcastles and makeshift armies. She always imagined that one day her and Dave would have a child of their own, preferably a boy so Dave would at least have an even playing field with the girls.

She secretly hoped that things would work out between them but she wasn’t getting her hopes up. With Dave sporting a new girlfriend on his arm, Rae concluded that she would just have to settle for messing up the best relationship in her life. She was grateful they were at least friendly towards each other, if that was only it.

Still, the awkward silence between them was deafening. Something heavy was on their minds and both were too apprehensive to be the first to say anything. Wanting to break the forever silence and leave what was left of their relationship on a good note, Rae stood up. “Well, I guess I’ll see you around,” she said before walking off.

Dave watched her walk away. He was going to let her go about her merry way until something stirred inside him to stop her. “Rachel, wait.”

Rae stopped and contemplated about turning around. The last time she was in this position, she was chasing Dave in a parking lot. It was a memory she didn’t want to repeat anytime soon—or ever, for that fact. Hesitantly, she turned around. “Yeah?”

Dave approached her and stood just merely inches from her. “It was good seeing you,” he said.

“It was good seeing you, too, David,” she grinned. She turned and started to walk away again until Dave grabbed her. She turned again. “Yes?”

“What do you want?”

“I want you to let go of my arm,” she teased.

Dave smiled and released his grip from Rae’s arm. “You know what I meant, Rachel.”

Rae bit her bottom lip and sighed. “I want to have a career, David. I want to get married and have babies. I want…I want…”

“You want?”

“Us. I want us, David,” she finally admitted, “but I can’t have us and I’m okay with that.”

“Are you?” He questioned.

Rae nodded. She knew she wasn’t okay with it. She was far fucking from being okay with it. But he couldn’t know that. Not now. Not ever. “I am.”

“I’m not,” he replied.

“Huh?” She asked. Rae felt she needed Dave to hold her again so she wouldn’t lose her balance and crumble to a heap on the floor. “What are you saying, David?”

Dave grabbed Rae’s left hand and kissed it. “Can we talk at my place? Or yours, if you feel comfortable enough.”

Was it really just a talk? Or did Dave want something more involving a box of condoms? Rae wasn’t sure but she wasn’t going to let an opportunity slip past her again. “Your place is fine,” she smiled.


Randy Orton doesn’t do dates. He just doesn’t. He either fucks and gets off or well, that’s about it.

So the moment he was talked into a date by his best friend, Randy knew it wasn’t a good look. It meant spending time with some bimbo he’d forget the next hour. It meant spending money he could be saving and investing in another account.

It meant he was wasting his time and it wasn’t a sure bet he was going to get ass. Fuckin’ great!

Rae handpicked the restaurant and chose the set-up. She also made sure she was nowhere available or within the vicinity of said date. She already knew what was going to happen. She didn’t want to be a victim to a potential murder.

Nevertheless, Randy waited impatiently as watched the clock tick on his Blackberry. His date was going to show up at any minute and his patience was getting the best of him. Rae owes me one helluva blow job for this bullshit.

“Why the fuck are you here?” A loud and familiar voice shouted.

Randy calmly looked up and saw one Mickie James before him. “I’m sorry, the Weight Watchers meeting is down the street,” he glanced down at his Blackberry again, “you can still make the first weigh-in if you hustle.”

“Real cute, limp dick bastard,” Mickie smiled, “I guess all the Viagra in the world can’t cure your growing stupidity.”

“Yeah, I would have to be pretty fuckin’ stupid to fuck you,” Randy glanced again at his Blackberry, “now, if you would excuse me, Shamu, I have a date.”

“Oh? Who’s the poor bimbo?”

“Someone fun, curvy, sexy…you know, the type of woman you could never be,” Randy smiled.

“Randy, trust me,” Mickie leaned over the table, “even if you were the last guy on planet fuckin’ Earth, I would gladly start eating pink tacos instead of sucking your herpes-infested dick.”


“Checkmate,” Mickie grinned. She took out her cell phone and dialed Rae. “Hey girl. Yeah, I’m at the restaurant. Where is this fool? What? He’s wearing a blue shirt, blue jeans, and a black blazer?” Mickie looked around and tried to find her date. “I don’t see…” She then made contact with Randy, who was wearing exactly what Rae had described. “…oh shit.”

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