Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Valentine's Day--Schmalintine's Day

I never really understood the point of Valentine's Day. Really.

It's like one day to prove your love and devotion to someone...along with millions of other people in the world. Like, really?

Now I'm a realist. I think you should celebrate Valentine's Day every day. I don't mean going all out and spending hundreds of dollars on candy, roses, and limos. Nah. I mean, show your partner and/or loved one every day how much they mean to you. It could be a phone call, a nice dinner, etc. It doesn't have to be grand. Little things mean the most.

So this year (just like every other year), I'm boycotting Valentine's Day. Yeah, I have a special someone but the stress of trying to make a nice Valentine's Day wasn't and isn't worth the heartache. I rather save my money for something nicer.

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